Be Still…


Sometimes I am a mess. Let me be upfront about that. I have these moments where I melt down into a puddle on the ground, feeling useless and unmoving. Just messy. Life seems too confusing. Confusing because I’m not clear- not clear about what I want or what I need to be happy.
But there are lessons to be learned as a puddle. Be patient. Puddles do not flow into rivers, or into oceans. There’s no rush, no need to hurry to the next big thing. Puddles just are and in these moments, so am I. I’m not building, chasing, reaching, searching. I am, that’s all. I just am.
Puddles don’t need the answers because no one questions a puddle. It’s okay to be outside of all that. Sometimes it is in the stillness that the vision clears and clarity comes.
So today, I am a puddle. I give myself permission to just be, to feel the sun reflecting off me, safe in the knowledge that I won’t always be in this place. Like all water, I will find myself part of a bigger whole again, but today, in this moment, I can just breathe and accept all that is me. No fixing what isn’t broken. No finding what isn’t lost. None of that matters in my puddle state. I take a break. I smell the rain in the air and know a change is coming. And that when it does, I will be ready.

Let’s not go with the flow…
“When you rest in quietness and your image of yourself fades, and your image of the world fades, and your ideas of others fade, what’s left? A brightness, a radiant emptiness that is simply what you are.” –Adyashanti

In keeping with the puddle idea, today’s action plan is short and to the point. Give yourself permission to just be. Breathe and just be.

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