Feelin’ Free

Picture Perfection is a myth. Life won’t be perfect. Others won’t be perfect. You won’t be perfect. Phew. Let it all go. Take that burden and, with a little wave,  release it out into the Universe.
Instead, aim for being a little better than you were the day before. Celebrate the small triumph, the small changes because that’s where the action is. Congratulate yourself for the “doing of it”, not just the end result. Don’t save the party for the “end” of the journey. Pat yourself on the back along the way.
It’s a shift in mindset. We live in a very goal-oriented society. Earning and having is rewarded. Now don’t get me wrong, goals are good. We should have things we are working towards. But we focus so much on the end, on the accomplishment that we miss the small victories in the process. We’re comfortable celebrating the success, and it should be celebrated, so maybe we need to redefine success. Maybe success is becoming more aware of our old patterns and recognizing when they’re not working for us. Maybe success is the shift in thinking that allows us to say, “I can do this.” Maybe success is feeling the fear, but still being willing to lean into the discomfort and move forward. And maybe success is the forgiveness we extend ourselves for our old ways of thinking, for engaging in those old behaviors that send us into the old shame spiral.
Yes, forgiveness is success.
What would happen if we took a day to practice a little self-compassion and forgive ourselves? I’m declaring today Forgiveness Freedom Day. Feel free to look at your weaknesses, your shortcomings and offer them each forgiveness…for free. Now when I say “for free” what I mean is make it unconditional, no bargaining, no forgiveness only as long as you’re perfect in that area from here on out. There’s that word again. Kick it to the curb. Bye, bye perfect! Offer forgiveness to those weak parts without condition. “Hello vanity, ” we might say, “I see you there and I forgive you. Hey, we’re better than we used to be. Let’s celebrate that.” Or “Hello pettiness”…or “holding a grudge”…”Hello jealousy. I see you there, but I’m working on it and I’m a little better than I was before. Heck, now I can recognize you when you show up! That’s a step in the right direction! Let’s party!”
Freedom to Forgive is freedom from the myth of perfection. Not only is perfection a myth, but it’s a prison. So today, forgive yourself. Accept yourself exactly where you are today, knowing each day you will be a little better. Let the perfection prison doors swing wide open and shout,
“Free at last, Free at last! Goodbye perfection! I’m free at last!

There’s a Party Going On Right Here!
“Ring the bells that still can ring, forget your perfect offering. There is a crack in everything; that’s how the light gets in.” –from Anthem by Leonard Cohen

Forgiveness Freedom day requires us to celebrate “the crack in everything”. All the things you have experienced, everything, even the difficult things–sometimes, especially the difficult things–that have happened to you have helped to create the wonderful and unique person that you are. Celebrate that! The cracks that are a part of you are as individual as a fingerprint. That makes them special. Celebrate the cracks, the good and the bad. Let the light in and…Shine!!

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