Wild Life



In times of trial, it is important to sink back into yourself, your true self. What has been ignored? It’s not lost. Those parts of you that have gone fallow are still there, waiting. Never lost. Pick them up again. Shine a light in those dark corners. Rifle through the boxes packed with the pieces of yourself you thought you long outgrew. Shake them out and try them on. What still fits? What strength or peace can be found tucked away in an old pocket? This is the gift for you today.
Sink back into your truth, like an old warm coat. Wrapped up in self love, see things clearly. Restore the places where a corner was broken off, first here, then there, to allow yourself to fit into the smaller version that others find more acceptable. Or more manageable.
Return to that wild self. Feel that warm coat of yourself envelope you like new fur. Howl at the moon. Run with your pack of one. Because you are enough. Never lost. Waiting patiently, with its knowing eyes. Feel the strength that is always there, primitive and limitless. Stretch yourself. Take up more space. Slip away from domestication, just for a spell. Return when you can feel the freedom in your blood and know that you carry it within you, always.
Because nothing is ever lost. Reclaim, dear heart, all that is. See it. Name it. Accept it and redeem it. It is you. Unravel the ties of regret, of remorse. Slip free of the bindings of the past. Pad forward on soft paws. Feel your sure-footedness in this state. Breathe in, wild one, and then slowly exhale. Nothing is ever lost.
Trials and troubles, difficulties and drama, it all ebbs and flows. This too shall pass, as the saying goes, dear heart. But you are never lost. All that is intrinsically you, sure you, strong you, is waiting for you in the primeval forest of your true self. Return to you today.

This Is No Call To Arms.
“The problem is that when things go ‘badly’, we tend to do battle! Hoping to put right what’s perceived as having gone wrong, we work to rebuild our former sense of self by struggling to restore what life has washed away.”–Guy Finlay

There is no need to engage in battle. All that trying and striving to keep up that false sense of self, the facade, the public identity is exhausting. It’s not authentic. That’s the reason it’s a battle. Living true to you is a release. Identify what is important to you. Ask yourself, what is it that you truly value. Picture yourself, standing at the end of your life, what do you want to see there? What do you need to feel happy and fulfilled? Don’t get “trapped” by the small, the fleeting, the desire for approval. Don’t give your sense of self away to others. You are enough. Today. Tomorrow. And each day to come. Stop doing battle.

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