Star Light, Star Bright


Living true to you is about knowing your own worth, your own value. Things can happen in our lives that can cause us to internalize the message that we aren’t good enough, that somehow we are less then.  Nothing could be further from the truth. The truth is this…
         Today, in this moment, you are whole.
Maybe parts of you could use some healing or benefit from some TLC, but your wholeness already exists inside of you. There is nothing outside of you that you lack. The Universe of You is self contained and self sustaining. We share who we are, share our love and attention with others, which allows us to expand and increase what is already there. All you are is all you’ll ever need. When you look up at the night sky and see all the stars, twinkling in their places, please know they’ve got nothing on you. You too are meant to twinkle and shine in your place. There is a beauty that is uniquely yours that wants to shine, that needs to shine like a light in the darkness. Believe in your light. We do no one any favors by hiding our light. In our current culture of celebrity, what we need is a few less “Stars” and for us each to see the stars shining in our own lives. You are a miracle, unique and beautiful, shining in God’s creation. You do not lack. You do not want. You are not less than. You are more than enough and all that is required. Look in the mirror today and make a wish upon yourself, make a wish for yourself to see the star in you.

Know Your Own Constellation!
“I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness because it shows me the stars.”–Og Mandino

As a gift to the shining light inside you, here is a video of Anis Mojgani performing his poem, Come Closer. It is more a blessing than a poem…and it is for you. Enjoy.

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