
So here’s what happened…after spending two hours (TWO HOURS!) writing and editing my blog post, I began searching for a pic to go with the post, like I usually do, and the first one I chose didn’t sit right in the post format. It was huge! So, I tried resizing it, but that didn’t work well so I just deleted it and it disappeared…along with my well written blog post on choosing to be a victor instead of a victim. Seriously. All two hours of work. Gone. Forever. And now, I am out of the time I have allotted for writing; all my other responsibilities call…which I will be attending to while wailing and gnashing my teeth. So, in the meantime, since a lot of you are new to Live True and probably have a life that doesn’t involve reading all my past blog posts, let’s revisit an oldie, but a goodie, shall we? If you need me, I’ll be in the fetal position, lamenting the vagaries of technology. Enjoy.

Revolutionary Love
Psst, can I tell you a secret? You don’t have to earn love. I know, revolutionary, right? But the truth is, today, intrinsically, you have worth just because you are you. You do not need to cure cancer, invent some new life saving device, be beautiful or talented, have tons of money or own a bunch of nice things to be worthy of love. And I’m sure that you agree with me…because I started with the easy stuff. But this is true too– You are worthy of love whether or not you meet the needs of everyone around you. You are worth someone seeing you for who you truly are, regardless of anything else you do. How does that feel? A little harder to believe? Often we abandon ourselves. Make ourselves small. Convince ourselves that we will be loved only if we can keep our needs to a manageable level. And part of that whittling away includes never applying that same standard to others, believing that if we need less, demand less than those we interact with then surely they will love us. This doesn’t just apply to our romantic relationships, but can be true in our friendships and at work as well. Our smallness can become part of our self definition. We tell ourselves, “I’m emotionally self sufficient. I don’t need a lot of attention or affection. I’m low maintenance.” All the while, we are tap dancing as fast as we can at work, twirling flaming batons in our friendships and keeping a ridiculous number of plates spinning, while doing somersaults and reciting the Gettysburg Address in our romantic relationships.
                     Low maintenance, my Aunt Fanny.
Sweet Pea, you do not have to earn love. Not now. Not ever. You don’t have to engage in a huge production to then accept crumbs of affection in return. You are worth love and loyalty, respect and concern. You have intrinsic value. Hear that. Because you are alive, because you are inhaling and exhaling, you are worthy of love. That’s it. Nothing else required.

You have worth because you carry within you
the spark of the Divine!

“The Lord hath appeared of old unto me, saying, Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love; therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn thee.”
— Jeremiah 31:3 KJV

Today, let’s stop looking to other flawed human beings for validation of our worth. We see each other with such limited vision that there is no way that it can be an accurate measure. It’s like trying to take the temperature with a yardstick. Ain’t gonna happen.
Tap into the Divine. Whatever that looks like for you, spend some time in devotion to the One who knows your worth, that knows your heart and all the good that resides there. You have value because you are valued by God. And there is nothing small about that.

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