Adjustments Necessary


The time has finally arrived! Well, technically it came a month ago, but it’s time for me to really get down to it. After years of schooling and years of internships and years of trainings and meetings, I am here, with my 3000 clinical hours approved, ready for the next step to becoming licensed. All that is standing between me and that coveted piece of paper with my MFT number printed on it is six hours of testing…well, that and tons of paperwork, a few hundred dollars and hours and hours of studying.  So, now is the time for me to adjust my schedule to include ALL OF THE STUDYING that is required to pass the licensing exams.

To manage my overwhelm, which usually consists of massive amounts of denial and procrastination (Upside: random chores around the house now seem pressing and get completed. Downside: I’ve watched all nine seasons of Supernatural. Ye who are without Nexflix Instant Streaming may cast the first stone…but I digress..) and to keep myself from looking like the woman in the pic above, I have to make adjustments. I don’t have a plan set in stone for what it will look like, so my blog may be a bit more free form for awhile. Hey, it could be fun! You never know what you might find! Let’s be surprised together! There might be new stuff, or a visit to the archives, and of course, a poetry post might make an appearance now and again. Who knows? Bottomline, have patience while I…well, not disappear completely, but become a bit less present. Picture me, fingers stained with ink and highlighter,  studying feverishly the key terms of Strategic Family Systems and creating a timeline diagram for diagnosing the different delusional disorders, all while definitely NOT scrubbing the inside of my refrigerator or starting season 10 to find out what is going to happen now that Dean’s a demon…how long will it take anyone to notice? Is this gonna be like when Sam lost his soul?…but I digress…I will be slaving away, taking notes on defense mechanisms, mandated reporting laws and psychotropic drugs. It’s the only thing that can take me away from you, dear reader, I promise.

So, until next time, live true to you! Oh! And if you have a favorite from the archives that you’d like to see make a return appearance, let me know in the comments. I’m taking requests!

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